Hey delegates!

When writing resolutions, there are several things you should keep in mind. When us chairs evaluate resolutions, we evaluate how SMART it is. S stands for specific, M stands for measurable, A stands for actionable, R stands for relevant, and T stands for time-oriented. 

Let’s go through each of these letters one by one. First is specific. You should include as much detail in your resolution as possible. Make sure you include the who, what, when, where, why, and how. By doing this, countries know exactly what actions to take, when they should be taken, where the action is going to take place, and why the action should take place. For example, on the fake topic of best ice cream stores, a specific operative clause would look like this: 

  1. Encourages all ice cream lovers to only support Ben and Jerry’s ice cream by 2025 because this company promotes sustainable packaging and agriculture. 

Next is measurable. This ensures that you can measure the success of the resolution if it is implemented. Some questions to consider are: How will the progress of the solution be tracked? How do we know if it’s working? Using the same example of best ice cream stores, a measurable operative clause would look like this: (bolded words show the measurable criteria) 

  1. Encourages all ice cream lovers to only support Ben and Jerry’s ice cream by 2025 because this company promotes sustainable packaging and agriculture; 

  1. This will be measured by taking yearly surveys asking customers which ice cream stores they have purchased from the most. 

Additionally, your resolution has to be actionable. This means that you must discuss what will help make this resolution happen. You can talk about resources, who will provide these resources, and what responsibilities people have to make your resolution happen. Again using the same fake topic idea, here is an example: 

  1. Encourages all ice cream lovers to only support Ben and Jerry’s ice cream by 2025 because this company promotes sustainable packaging and agriculture; 

  1. This will be measured by taking yearly surveys asking customers which ice cream stores they have purchased from the most; 

  2. Firstly, all ice-cream lovers will make the switch to Ben and Jerrys by 2025. By 2030, all citizens will consume Ben and Jerrys. By 2035, even lactose intolerant citizens will be required to consume Ben and Jerrys. The state will enforce this by increasing investment on Ben and Jerrys advertising. 

Next, your resolution needs to be relevant. Consider the current politics of your nation, foreign policy, and the overall sociopolitical climate. In short, think about whether or not the real UN and your assigned country would really do what your country is proposing. Again using my example from above, if your country is actively fighting climate change and promotes sustainability, the bolded phrase would meet the relevant criteria: 

  1. Encourages all ice cream lovers to only support Ben and Jerry’s ice cream by 2025 because this company promotes sustainable packaging and agriculture

Finally, you have to make sure that your resolution is time bound. Your operative clauses should be linked to a timeframe that creates a practical sense or urgency. Without a timeframe, your resolution is unlikely to produce an outcome. An easy way to make your resolution time-bound is by including dates for when your goals should be met. If you look at my sample operative clause, I have included different dates for my different goals. 

  1. Encourages all ice cream lovers to only support Ben and Jerry’s ice cream by 2025 because this company promotes sustainable packaging and agriculture; 

  1. This will be measured by taking yearly surveys asking customers which ice cream stores they have purchased from the most; 

  2. Firstly, all ice-cream lovers will make the switch to Ben and Jerrys by 2025. By 2030, all citizens will consume Ben and Jerrys. By 2035, even lactose intolerant citizens will be required to consume Ben and Jerrys. The state will enforce this by increasing investment on Ben and Jerrys advertising. 

Please let us know if you have any questions about how to write a SMART resolution!

Emma Wu



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