Hi all, I wanted to let you all know about a recent resolution passed by the United Nations Environment Assembly which we weren't able to talk about in our topic synopsis. The UNEA provides a forum for the UN's member states to discuss environmental issues and multilaterally establish priorities for policies aimed at tackling these issues. Over the years, the UNEA has passed a number of resolutions which recognize the issue, affirm the need to engage in increased research surrounding the topic, and agreeing to strengthen cooperation between member states. During the UNEA's most recent session, the body passed a resolution which promised to draft a legally binding agreement by the end of 2024, which is expected to provide a multifaceted solution to the issue of microplastics worldwide. As delegates, evaluating whether or not this will be a successful venture is a matter of determining whether, among other things, the agreement will compel its signatories to a great enough degree of action, and whether a significant portion of the world's nations sign it.
You can find more information on the UNEA's past resolutions on microplastics here, and more about their most recent resolution on microplastics here.
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