
Showing posts from February, 2023

Office Hours and FAQ

 Dear Delegates,  I hope everyone is doing well in the lead-up to the conference. Here are a few reminders for delegates before conference starts.  Office hours: We have sent a sign-up for office hours so if you signed up, I will see you there.  Just some answers to frequently asked questions: We are doing THIMUN procedure which you can refer to here . Signups for THIMUN workshops for Friday can be found here as well.  You CAN pre write some clauses going into conference.  If you have any more questions please email  Thank you and see you soon! Kohsei

6 things to keep in mind for resolution writing

  Hi delegates,  As some of you have started drafting a few clauses to bring into committee, I wanted to give a few tips and spearhead ways to solve some of these wicked problems. These tips will be general however, feel free to fit this into your country's stance to formulate resolutions. It would be nice if your resolutions touch upon a few, if not all of these points. Topic A: Develop and enforce regulations : Governments can develop regulations to limit the use of single-use plastics and encourage the use of more eco-friendly alternatives. This can include banning plastic bags, implementing deposit-return schemes for plastic bottles, and regulating the use of microbeads in personal care products. Support research and development : Governments can fund research and development into new materials and technologies that can help reduce microplastic pollution. This can include supporting the development of biodegradable plastics, investing in wastewater treatment technologies, ...


Hey guys, here are some tips to prepare you for debate leading up to BMUN! Know your country and its position: Before conference, research the country you'll be representing and familiarize yourself with its stance on the topics to be discussed. This will allow you to speak with authority and conviction. Prepare an opening speech: Write out a short speech that you can use to introduce yourself and your country's stance on the topics being debated. Rehearse this speech several times to make sure you are confident and comfortable with it. Engage in active listening: During the conference, it's important to listen to what others have to say and respond appropriately. Showing interest in others' perspectives will help you build relationships and find common ground. Use formal language: MUN conferences are formal settings and it's important to use appropriate language. Avoid slang or casual language and instead use proper English. Be persuasive: The goal of MUN is to neg...


  Hi Delegates! Just like for Topic A, there are some key terms for Topic B you should be familiar with.  TOPIC B: Climate change has forced agriculture to move toward the poles and to higher altitudes. Climate change has also increased water scarcity, and this is a huge issue as growing agriculture involves massive amounts of water. You should also consider how extreme weather impacts the growth of agriculture.  Food insecurity is defined as the disruption of food intake or eating patterns because of a lack of money and other resources. Food insecurity is already a huge issue throughout the world, and climate change can only increase the severity of this issue.  Sincerely, Emma


  Hi Delegates! This week, I wanted to provide you information about some key terms you should be familiar with. It is vital that you understand these terms, so please familiarize yourself with them by reading the descriptions below! TOPIC A:  Microplastics are defined as any plastic under 0.5mm. There are two types of microplastics: primary and secondary. Primary microplastics are tiny particles designed for commercial use. Secondary microplastics are microplastics that form after macroplastics break down. These tiny plastics are difficult to identify, making the clean-up process extremely difficult.  Biomagnification is the process in which toxins such as microplastics increase in concentration when moving up the food chain. Essentially, polluted species consume other polluted species, and the microplastics accumulate as predators eat prey.  Microplastic ingestion is when one consumes microplastics when eating or drinking. Even daily activities such as drinking f...


  Hello Everyone! Breaking news! The Biden-Harris Administration has officially allocated an additional $19.5 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act over five years for climate-smart agriculture. They plan to use several conservation programs that the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) implements to help combat the effects of climate change on agriculture. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says  that "agriculture plays a critical role in the nation’s effort to address climate change, we’re using this funding to bolster our existing programs, max imize climate benefits, and foster other environmental benefits across the landscape.” For more information, visit the USDA  article .  Best, Sameer

Procedure Guide + Committee Flow

  Hi Delegates! I wanted to check in with you to provide some more insight into how our committee is going to work at BMUN 71. UNEP will be using THIMUN procedure .  Our committee will begin with a time for lobbying. This is where delegates can use the time to write their resolutions. We recommend writing a few clauses before the conference so this transition into resolution writing is smoother. We will entertain one main submitter. This lobbying time will be leveraged to write resolutions for both Topic A and B. After we use the whole committee session 1 for lobbying, we will be entertaining those resolutions throughout the conference.  What is also unique to THIMUN is the use of amendments. These amendments can start with either Strike, Add, or Modify to amend the current resolution being entertained. THIMUN procedure also allows for active participation as these amendments can be amended to the second degree! We hope this format can help everyone with being engaged an...


Hi all, I wanted to let you all know about a recent resolution passed by the United Nations Environment Assembly which we weren't able to talk about in our topic synopsis. The UNEA provides a forum for the UN's member states to discuss environmental issues and multilaterally establish priorities for policies aimed at tackling these issues. Over the years, the UNEA has passed a number of resolutions which recognize the issue, affirm the need to engage in increased research surrounding the topic, and agreeing to strengthen cooperation between member states. During the UNEA's most recent session, the body passed a resolution which promised to draft a legally binding agreement by the end of 2024, which is expected to provide a multifaceted solution to the issue of microplastics worldwide. As delegates, evaluating whether or not this will be a successful venture is a matter of determining whether, among other things, the agreement will compel its signatories to a great enough de...


Hey delegates! When writing resolutions, there are several things you should keep in mind. When us chairs evaluate resolutions, we evaluate how SMART it is. S stands for specific, M stands for measurable, A stands for actionable, R stands for relevant, and T stands for time-oriented.  Let’s go through each of these letters one by one. First is specific. You should include as much detail in your resolution as possible. Make sure you include the who, what, when, where, why, and how. By doing this, countries know exactly what actions to take, when they should be taken, where the action is going to take place, and why the action should take place. For example, on the fake topic of best ice cream stores, a specific operative clause would look like this:  Encourages all ice cream lovers to only support Ben and Jerry’s ice cream by 2025 because this company promotes sustainable packaging and agriculture.  Next is measurable. This ensures that you can measure the success of the r...


  Hi delegates! Just wanted to check in and offer a bit more guidance on your position papers. As a reminder, UNEP will be using standard Position Paper format detailed in the Topic Research page on the BMUN website . Besides the general format, we wanted to offer some tips on the research process and the formation of your paper.  Research The biggest favor you can do for yourself in the writing process is to really apply time and effort into understanding the topics beforehand. Luckily, your DAIS has written to key to beginning this process: your synopsis! Not only do we recommend reading this synopsis, but we hope that you will interact with it. Ask questions, make connections, and reflect on what you learned. Familiarizing yourself with the synopsis is the key to a smooth research experience.  After reading the synopsis, don’t stop there! This piece is just a stepping stone for the research we hope you will complete. Maybe read some additional case studies, look at s...